These instructions are specific for (re)installing the current generation of flxi02 and flxi03 using the SGI 4 way servers but may be used as a basis for installing new fnalu linux interactive nodes if necessary. The 7.1 FnaluInteractive workgroup should automatically do most of the necessary installation and configuration. The install plan is therefore: Note: We are no longer nfs mounting /usr/local from fsun01 so the admin tools previously contained in /usr/local/admin (specifically bag, tripup and runtrip) are now accessed from afs via a symlink from /usr/local/admin to /afs/ All the config files and scripts can be found in: Pre-Install ----------- 1) Mark the node down in NGOP 2) Verify that the previous backup ran successfully. 3) Verify that the keytab file and ssh keys on fsun02 are up to date 4) Run the clonedisk script to make a copy of the / partition onto the spare disk Install ------- 5) touch /etc/nologon 6) Copy the following directories to a safe location /var/spool/cron - root and usr crontab entries /var/adm/krb5 - user keytab files 7) edit /etc/fstab to remove entries to all local disks except the one with / on it (sda). 8) Shut the machine down and power off 9) Physically remove all the local disks except the one with / on it (sda). The disks are hot plug scsi and can be removed without opening the case. 10) Boot the system 11) Copy on the fermi-install rpm and the correct reduced kickstart file, edit the reduced kicksart file to set the correct partition sizes: / 5000MB /tmp 1000MB /usr/vice/cache 200MB swap 2000MB 12) install the fermi-install rpm rpm -ivh /root/fermi-install.7.1.1... 13) run: /root/fermiinstall/fermi-install -c -f -k -i host_ip -g -m -n -r 711 -s linux -F reduced_kickstart_file Post-Install ------------ 14) Log in on the console: kinit brew pwconv passwd cd /etc scp root@fsun02:/var/adm/CLOG/k/krb5.keytab/$host/krb5.keytab . scp root@fsun02:/var/adm/CLOG/k/sshd_keys/$host/* . authconfig --kickstart --enablenis cp /etc/FnaluInteractive/configfiles/nsswitch.conf . ln -s /afs/ /usr/local/admin mkdir /var/tripwire chmod 700 /var/tripwire . /afs/ ups installasroot tcsh ups installasroot bash ups installasroot perl 15) Copy back the saved directories from step 6, merging the root cron with the one installed with 7.1 16) Force install of the e100-2.4.9-31smp-1.8.38-1.i386.rpm drivers and then edit /etc/modules.conf to use the e100 driver instead of the eepro100 by changing the line alias eth0 eepro100 to alias eth0 e100 and then add the following line to force 100Mb full duplex options e100 e100_speed_duplex=4 17) Add the following line to /etc/csh.cshrc to correct the "locale collate" problem with the UPS version of tcsh setenv LC_COLLATE C 18) Add the following symlink to fix the problem with the UPS version of pine: ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ 19) Create the mount points for the scratch disks mkdir /usr/scratch/sect1 mkdir /usr/scratch/sect2 mkdir /usr/scratch/sect3 and set the permissions chmod 777 /usr/local/scratch/sect1 chmod 777 /usr/local/scratch/sect2 chmod 777 /usr/local/scratch/sect3 20) Edit /etc/fstab to mount the scratch disks /dev/sdc1 /usr/scratch/sect1 ext2 defaults 1 3 /dev/sdd1 /usr/scratch/sect2 ext2 defaults 1 3 /dev/sde1 /usr/scratch/sect3 ext2 defaults 1 3 21) make a backup copy of /etc/ and edit it to change the line; DM to then run newsaliases this sets up the masquerading of mail addresses 22) Edit /etc/sysconfig/afs to add the BIGSTAT option and make it the default: BIGSTAT="-stat 2800 -dcache 800 -daemons 3 -volumes 70 -nosettime" OPTIONS=$BIGSTAT And edit /usr/vice/etc/cacheinfo to up the afs cachesize to 200MB 23) Shut down the machine 24) Reinsert the disks removed in step 9 25) Boot the machine Testing ------- 26) /sbin/chkconfig --list check that the list of processes is as expected. ypwhich ypcat passwd ypcat auto.master 27) Remove /etc/nologon 28) Login with kerberized telnet, ssh and rsh 29) setup and run gcc f77 emacs vi pine netscape 30) mail a test message to for brew and from root to check that mail masqerading is working as expected 31) Run /usr/local/admin/bin/tripup -r to update the tripwire database for the changed files. Then over the next few days refine the tripwire config file to better monitor 7.1 At this point the machine should be a standard FnaluInteractive node. FLXI02 Extra config: -------------------- For flxi02 we also need to set up the auger data mirror rsync server. 1) Make sure you have an up-to-date copy of flxi02:/etc/rsyncd.conf 2) Copy rysncd.conf back to /etc/rsyncd.conf 3) Add the following lines to the end of /etc/syslog.conf # Log rsyncd messages (on local0, see rsyncd.conf) to a file local0.* /usr/auger/control/log/rsyncd.log 4) Add the following lines to the head of /etc/logrotate.d/syslog # rotate the logs for the auger data rsync mirror # copied from /etc/logrotate.s/syslog and modified # Added by Chris Brew 12/10/01 /usr/auger/control/log/rsyncd.log { postrotate /usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd endscript }