system environment/base
- NetworkManager - Network connection manager and user applications
- cman - cman - The Cluster Manager
- cmirror - cmirror - The Cluster Mirror Package
- device-mapper - device mapper library
- device-mapper-event - Device-mapper event daemon
- device-mapper-multipath - Tools to manage multipath devices using device-mapper.
- dhclient - Provides the dhclient ISC DHCP client daemon and dhclient-script.
- e2fsprogs - Utilities for managing the second and third extended (ext2/ext3) filesystems
- glibc-common - Common binaries and locale data for glibc
- initscripts - The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts.
- ipsec-tools - Tools for configuring and using IPSEC
- kpartx - Partition device manager for device-mapper devices.
- krb5-workstation - Kerberos 5 programs for use on workstations.
- logrotate - Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files.
- luci - Remote Management System - Management Station
- lvm2 - Userland logical volume management tools
- mkinitrd - Creates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modules.
- nash - nash shell
- nss-tools - Tools for the Network Security Services
- nss_ldap - NSS library and PAM module for LDAP.
- openais - The openais Standards-Based Cluster Framework executive and APIs
- pam_krb5 - A Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5.
- passwd - The passwd utility for setting/changing passwords using PAM
- rgmanager - Open Source HA Resource Group Failover for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- rhn-check - Check for RHN actions
- rhn-client-tools - Support programs and libraries for Red Hat Network
- rhn-setup - Configure and register an RHN client
- rhn-setup-gnome - A GUI interface for RHN Registration
- ricci - Remote Management System - Managed Station
- selinux-policy - SELinux policy configuration
- selinux-policy-devel - SELinux policy development
- selinux-policy-minimum - SELinux minimum base policy
- selinux-policy-mls - SELinux mls base policy
- selinux-policy-strict - SELinux strict base policy
- selinux-policy-targeted - SELinux targeted base policy
- system-config-securitylevel - A graphical interface for modifying the system security level
- system-config-securitylevel-tui - A text interface for modifying the system security level
- tmpwatch - A utility for removing files based on when they were last accessed.
- udev - A userspace implementation of devfs
- yum-NetworkManager-dispatcher - NetworkManager dispatcher plugin to help yum, when changing networks
- yum-aliases - Yum plugin to enable aliases filters
- yum-allowdowngrade - Yum plugin to enable manual downgrading of packages
- yum-changelog - Yum plugin for viewing package changelogs before/after updating
- yum-downloadonly - Yum plugin to add downloadonly command option
- yum-fastestmirror - Yum plugin which chooses fastest repository from a mirrorlist
- yum-filter-data - Yum plugin to list filter based on package data
- yum-kernel-module - Yum plugin to handle kernel-module-foo type of kernel module
- yum-keys - Yum plugin to deal with signing keys
- yum-kmod - Yum plugin to handle fedora kernel modules.
- yum-list-data - Yum plugin to list aggregate package data
- yum-merge-conf - Yum plugin to merge configuration changes when installing packages
- yum-priorities - plugin to give priorities to packages from different repos
- yum-protect-packages - Yum plugin to prevents Yum from removing itself and other protected packages
- yum-protectbase - Yum plugin to protect packages from certain repositories.
- yum-refresh-updatesd - Tell yum-updatesd to check for updates when yum exits
- yum-security - Yum plugin to enable security filters
- yum-tmprepo - Yum plugin to add temporary repositories
- yum-tsflags - Yum plugin to add tsflags by a commandline option
- yum-updateonboot - Run yum update on system boot
- yum-upgrade-helper - Yum plugin to help upgrades to the next distribution version
- yum-verify - Yum plugin to add verify command, and options
- yum-versionlock - Yum plugin to lock specified packages from being updated