system environment/libraries

dbus - D-BUS message bus

License: AFL/GPL
Vendor: Scientific Linux
D-BUS is a system for sending messages between applications. It is
used both for the systemwide message bus service, and as a
per-user-login-session messaging facility.


dbus-0.22-12.EL.8.i386 [455 KiB] Changelog by David Zeuthen (2006-12-11):
- CVE-2006-6107: D-Bus denial of service
- Resolves: #218055
dbus-0.22-12.EL.8.x86_64 [496 KiB] Changelog by David Zeuthen (2006-12-11):
- CVE-2006-6107: D-Bus denial of service
- Resolves: #218055
dbus-0.22-12.EL.2.x86_64 [495 KiB] Changelog by John (J5) Palmieri (2005-02-01):
- Explicitly pass in the pid file location to ./configure instead of
  letting it guess based on the build enviornment
dbus-0.22-12.EL.2.i386 [454 KiB] Changelog by John (J5) Palmieri (2005-02-01):
- Explicitly pass in the pid file location to ./configure instead of
  letting it guess based on the build enviornment

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.4